दावा करना
दावा करना
= PURPORTउदाहरण : अंतिम निर्णय बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होने का दावा करता है।Usage : the final judgement purports to be very important.
दावा करना
= PRETENDउदाहरण : उसने अपना चोरी हुआ साइकिल दावा करना चाहा।Usage : in order to win faith of the family members clever thief pretend to be anhonest gardener.
दावा करना
= PROFESSUsage : she professed of being his mother.
दावा करना
= DEMANDउदाहरण : उसने अपना खोया हुआ बैग दावा करना तय किया।Usage : Bringing up a child demands a lot of patience.
दावा करना
= POSEUsage : The thief posed as a relative at the wedding.
दावा करना
= CHALLENGEUsage : She challenged his claims in the court.
दावा करना
= CLAIMUsage : there are some unimportant matters in the newspaper that doesnt claim atten-tion.
दावा करना
= CHARGEUsage : she left her child in the charge of maidservant.
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= CLAIM BACKUsage : She decided to claim back her lost bag.
दावा करना
= PALM OFFUsage : He tried to palm off the fake painting as an original.
दावा करना
= SET UPUsage : We need to set up the meeting room.
दावा करना
= ASSERTUsage : Women should assert themselves more!
दावा करना
= LAY CLAIM TOUsage : He wanted to lay claim to his stolen bicycle.
दावा करना
= PUT INUsage : we put in a grant to the nsf